Papers & Seminars

[2022] Piñón A., Favela-Contreras A., Beltran-Carbajal F., Dieck-Assad G., Losoya C., Novel Strategy of Adaptive Predictive Control Based on a MIMO-ARX Model. Actuators 2022,___in review.
[2022] Piñón A., Favela-Contreras A., Beltran-Carbajal F., Dieck-Assad G., Losoya C., Novel Strategy of Adaptive Predictive Control Based on a MIMO-ARX Model. Actuators 2022,___in review.
[2021] Dieck-Assad, G.; Rodríguez-Delgado, J.M.; González Peña, O.I. Excel Methods to Design and Validate in Microelectronics (Complementary Metal–Oxide–Semiconductor, CMOS) for Biomedical Instrumentation Application. Sensors 2021, 21, 7486.
[2021] Dieck-Assad, G.; Ávila-Ortega, A.; González Peña, O.I. Comparing Competency Assessment in Electronics Engineering Education with and without Industry Training Partner by Challenge-Based Learning Oriented to Sustainable Development Goals. Sustainability 2021, 13, 10721.
[2021] Dieck-Assad G, González Peña O.I., Rodríguez-Delgado J.M. “Evaluation of Emergency First Response's Competency in Undergraduate College Students: Enhancing Sustainable Medical Education in the Community for Work Occupational Safety”. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2021 Jul 23;18(15):7814. doi: 10.3390/ijerph18157814. PMID: 34360107; PMCID: PMC8345564.
[2017] Rodríguez-Delgado J.M., Rodríguez-Delgado M, Mendoza-Buenrostro Ch., Dieck-Assad G., Parra-Saldívar R., Martínez-Chapa S. O., "Interdigitated Electrode Sensor for Rapid Detection of Phenolic Pollutants on Water", Pending for publication.
[2017] Dieck-Assad G., Martínez-Chapa S., González-Lipchak C.A., Sosa-Avendaño A.," Dynamic Rehabilitation Air Based Cushion to Prevent Ulcers and to Monitor Pressure Profile," Pending for publication.
[2017] Martínez-Torteya, G. Dieck-Assad, S.O. Martínez-Chapa, S. Camacho-León, "Modeling and Simulation of a CMOS-MEMS Infrared Thermopile for Biomedical Applications", In revisión for publication: Revista Mexicana de Ingeniería Biomédica RMIB, ISSN: 0188-9532.
[2017] Martínez-Torteya, G. Dieck-Assad, S.O. Martínez-Chapa, S. Camacho-León, "Parametric Design Optimization of a CMOS-MEMS Infrared Thermopile for Biomedical Applications", In revisión for publication:: Revista Mexicana de Ingeniería Biomédica RMIB, ISSN: 0188-9532.
[2016] Dieck-Assad G. and Dieck-Kattás S.. “Prototipos Electrónicos para la Innovación”, Presentación en INCmty 2016, Saturday November 19th, 2016 at Tecnológico de Monterrey, Monterrey Campus.
[2015] Dieck-Assad G. and Hinojosa-Olivares J. “Desarrollo de Prototipos de Circuitos Integrados en micro/nano tecnología, a través del Consorcio MOSIS”, Presentation at INCmty 2015, Saturday 21 of Noviembre, 2015 at Tecnológico de Monterrey, Monterrey Campus.
[2016] Dieck Assad G., “Metodología Híbrida con Inclusión de Videos Interactivos en Cursos de Ingeniería Eléctrica y Computacional,” Poster presentado en el evento “Formación Docente en Acción”, Departamento de Formación y Desarrollo de Profesores, Tecnológico de Monterrey, campus Monterrey, Abril 29, 2016.
[2016] Dieck-Assad G., Martínez-Chapa S.O., “Evolution of the Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) Department from a Pure-Teaching to a Research-Teaching Orientation; the case of the Tecnológico de Monterrey”, The ECE Source, The leading Resource for the ECE community, The Electrical and Computer Department Heads Association, ECEDHA, May 2016. On-line:
[2015] Dieck-Assad G. and Hinojosa-Olivares J. "Desarrollo de Prototipos de Circuitos Integrados en micro/nano tecnología, a través del Consorcio MOSIS", Presentation at INCmty 2015, Saturday 21 of Noviembre, 2015 at Tecnológico de Monterrey, Monterrey Campus.
[2015] Muñóz-Martínez A. I., Rodríguez-Delgado J.M., G. Dieck-Assad, "Preliminary Studies for the Detaction of Metformin by Electrochemical Methods using Virtual Instrumentation", Presented in the NI-Week (National Instruments Week), Austin Texas, August 2015.
[2015] Sorori S., Rodríguez-Delgado J.M., Kulinsky L., Kido H., G. Dieck-Assad, M. Madou, "The Use of Polybutene for Controlling the Flow of Liquids in Centrifugal Microfluidic Systems," Published in Microfluidics and Nanofluidics Journal, MANO-D-15-00198R2, 2015 .
[2015] Rodríguez-Delgado M.M., Alemán-Nava G.S., Rodríguez-Delgado J.M, Dieck-Assad G., Martínez-Chapa S. O, Barceló D., Parra R., "Review on Laccase Based Biosensors for Detection of Phenolic Compounds", Published in Trends in Analytical Chemistry 74 pages 21-45, Elsevier, Technical Paper: TRAC-D-15-00035R1, 2015.
[2013] Dieck-Assad G., Camacho-León S., Vázquez-Piñón M., Losoya-Leal A.D., "Development of eBooks to Enhance Electronics Instrumentation Learning at The Tecnológico de Monterrey", presented and published in proceedings of the LACCEI 2013 Conference, Cancún; México, August 14-16. ISBN-10 978-0-9822896-6-2, ISBN-13 0-9822896-6-9, pp 82-88
[2013] Camacho-León S., Losoya-Leal A.D., Dieck-Assad G., Vázquez-Piñón M., "Simulation Workshops on Microtechnology: Enhancing Multidisciplinary Engineering Education through eBooks", presented and published in proceedings of the LACCEI 2013 Conference, Cancún; México, August 14-16. ISBN-10 978-0-9822896-6-2, ISBN-13 0-9822896-6-9, pp 52-58
[2013] Rodríguez-Delgado J.M., Rodríguez-Delgado M, Mendoza-Buenrostro Ch., Dieck-Assad G., Parra-Saldívar R., Cárdenas-Chavez D., Parra-Saldivar R., Martínez-Chapa S. O., "Interdigitated Arrays for the Measurement of Electrical and Electrochemical Characteristics of Biological Samples", Poster presentation, XV National Congress of Biotechnology and Bioengineering and 12th International Symposium on the Genetics of Industrial Microorganisms, June 23 to 28, Cancun, México, 2013.
[2013] Dieck-Assad G. "Tendencies of Microelectronics", keynote discussion presented at the "Foro Nacional de Ciencia 2013, ¿Hacia dónde va la ciencia en México?", tematic áreas: Mechatronics, Robotics and Electrónics, Monterrey, N.L., April 2013.
[2012] Losoya-Leal A.D., Camacho-León S., Dieck-Assad G., Avila-Ortega A., Martínez-Chapa S.O., "State of the art in non-invasive glucose sensors", Revista Mexicana de Ingeniería Biomédica RMIB, ISSN: 0188-9532, Volúmen XXXIII, Número 1, pp 41-52, Junio 2012.
[2011] Mendoza-Buenrostro Ch, Dieck-Assad G., Martínez-Chapa S.O., "Carbon microelectrode arrays for multiplexed potentiostat performing electrochemical cyclic voltammetry," Accepted for presentation and publication at CIIDET 2011 (IX International Conference on Innovation and Technological Development) , Cuernavaca, Morelos, México, November 23 to 25, 2011.
[2011] Vázquez-Piñón M., Gómez-Quiñonez J., Camacho-León S., G. Dieck-Assad, Martínez-Chapa S.O., "Modeling of a CMOS Active Pixel Image Sensor; Towards Sensor Integration with Microfluidic Devices," Accepted for presentation and publication at CERMA (Electronics Robotics and Automotive Mechanics Conference 2011) Cuernavaca Morelos, México, November 2011.
[2011] Gómez-Quiñonez J., Pérez-González V.H., Martínez-Chapa S.O., G. Dieck-Assad, Moncada-Hernández H., Rossetto O. "A multi-channel sinusoidal generator for electrokinetic stimulation of microfluidic platforms," Accepted for presentation and publication at CERMA (Electronics Robotics and Automotive Mechanics Conference 2011) Cuernavaca Morelos, México, November 2011.
[2011] Camacho-León S., Martínez S. O., Elías-Zúñoga A., Dieck-Assad G., "Parameterized Layout Synthesis of a CMOS-compatible Scanning Micromirror with Electrothermal Actuation and Bimodal Resonant Behavior," e-Gnosis (on-line), ISSN: 1665-5745, Vol. 9, Art. 10, 2011.
[2011] Barbosa-Avila, J.G., Dieck-Assad G., "Implementation of an Expert System for adopting Wireless Identification Technologies (WIT) in Healthcare", Revista Mexicana de Ingeniería Biomédica RMIB, Volúmen XXXII, Número 1, pp 40-49, Julio 2011.
[2011] Barbosa-Avila, J.G., Dieck-Assad G., "Expert System for adopting Wireless Identification Technologies (WIT) in Healthcare; fundamentals and applications", Revista Mexicana de Ingeniería Biomédica RMIB, Volúmen XXXII, Número 1, pp 50-62, Julio 2011.
[2011] Gutiérrez H., Camacho-León S., Dieck-Assad G. y Martínez-Chapa S.O., "Design and Simulation of a self-assembled MEMS forcé Sensor for Minimally Invasive Surgery, Presented and published in: IEEE Sensors Applications Symposium, SAS, February 22 to 24, San Antonio, Texas, 2011.
[2011] Bautista F., Martinez-Chapa S.O., Rossetto O., Dieck-Assad G., "An Ultra-Low-Voltage 94.2 dB SNR CT-ΣΔ Modulator for Implantable and Portable Applications," IEEE International Conference in Electronics, Circuits and Systems (ICECS) December 2010.
[2010] Martínez-Torteya, Antonio, Dieck-Assad Graciano, Martínez-Chapa Sergio O, "Modeling and Simulation of Infrared Sensors Using Cantiliver and Bridge Structures", Presented and published at the International Symposium IEEE-CERMA 2010, October 2010, Cuernavaca, México.
[2010] Leminszka, M. A, Dieck-Assad G., Martínez-Chapa, S. O., Garza J. E., "Modeling of the Lactic Acid Level for High Performance Athletes", Revista Mexicana de Ingeniería Biomédica, Vol. XXXI, Number 1, pp 41-56, July 2010.
[2010] Leminszka, M. A, Dieck-Assad G., Martínez-Chapa, S. O., Garza J. E., "Lactate Dynamic Model in Ischaemia for High Performance Athletes", Revista Mexicana de Ingeniería Biomédica, Vol. XXXI, Number 1, pp 57-72, July 2010.
[2008] Dieck-Assad, G., "Estudios de Maestría y Doctorado en Ciencia y Tecnología" Invited Conference to the XXI Congreso Nacional y VII Internacional de Informática y Computación 2008", organized by the ANIEI, Monterrey, México, October 1,2 and 3, 2008.
[2008] Flotte-Hernández, O., Pineda, A., Dieck-Assad G., Avila-Ortega, A., Martínez-Chapa S. O., Bouchereau-Lara Frantz, "On the performance of Active Noise Control (ANC) FX-LMS and FBX-LMS algorithms using DSP for Duct Network Noise Attenuation," In Proceedings of the CERMA Conference (Electronics Robotics and Automotive Mechanics Conference 2008) held in Cuernavaca Morelos, México, October 2008, pages 575 to 581, ISBN-13: 978-0-7695-3320
[2008] Pineda-Rico, Z., Dieck-Assad, G., Martínez-Chapa, S.O., Avila-Ortega, A., "A switching capacitor CMOS based device for hands-free Electrolarynx activation using Electromyographic signals", In Proceedings of the CERMA Conference (Electronics Robotics and Automotive Mechanics Conference 2008) held in Cuernavaca Morelos, México, October 2008, pages 8 to 13, ISBN-13: 978-0-7695-3320
[2007] Dieck-Assad, G. y Barbosa-Avila Gerardo, Keynote conference: "Tecnologias de Innovación y Comunicaciones para la Excelência Operativa de las Organizaciones. El caso de la tecnologías RF-ID en la Industria Automotriz", given to the Community of the Instituto Tecnológico de Delicias, Delicias Chihuahua, Friday, September, 21st of 2007. Celebration of the XXI Anniversary of the Institution.
[2007] Dieck Assad, G."El Mundo de la Nanotacnología, de IC´s a MEMS y NEMS", Conference given in the Graduate Fair, April 27th of 2007, ITESM, Monterrey campus.
[2007] Bautista, F, Martínez, S. O., Dieck-Assad G., and Rossetto, O, "An ultra-low voltage high gain operational transconductance amplifier for biomedical applications", Design and Architectures for Signal and Image Processing Workshop, Grenoble, France, Fall 2007.
[2006] Arriaga-de-Valle, E. and Dieck-Assad, G. "Modeling and Simulation of a Fuzzy Supervisory Controller for an Industrial Boiler, SIMULATION, The transaction of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International, Vol. 82, No. 12, pp. 841-850, December 2006.
[2006] Avila Ortega, A., Santoyo Rincón, R., Martínez Chapa, S.O., Dieck Assad, G. Hardware/Software implementation of a discrete cosine transform DCT algorithm using System C. 36th. Research and Technological Development Congress; Promoting the New Economy based upon Knowledge, México, January 2006.
[2005] Dieck Assad G. "Microtechnology: Applications and Opportunities in the developmento of BioMEMS in Mexico", Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Respiratorias (INER) and CINVESTAV, II Simposium in Biomedical Engineering, Mexico City, June 23 and 24, Mexico.
[2003] Dieck Assad, G. "The New Biomedical Engineering Program At Monterrey Tech", IEEE Central Section Seminar for the Austin-San-Antonio area, San Antonio, Texas, September 25 of 2003.
[2003] Dieck Assad, G. "Biomedical Instrumentation at ITESM campus Monterrey", Engineering seminar given to Trinity University Engineering Science Students, September 27, 2003, Trinity University, San Antonio Texas.
[2003] Dieck Assad, G. "Biomedical Instrumentation at ITESM campus Monterrey", Toshiba Chair, ITESM campus Monterrey, September 24, 2003.
[2003] Dieck Assad, G. "Analog Integrated Circuits", Module given to SIEMENS Engineers, ITESM campus Cd. Juárez, July 21 to 24, 2003, Cd. Juárez Chihuahua.
[2002] Dieck Assad, G. "Mechatronics and Eñlectronics Instrumentation," 12 hour course given to participants in the CIIIEE-2002 (Instituto Tecnológico de Aguascalientes) and the CIEEA-2002 (Instituto Tecnológico de Durango), October and November, 2002, respectively.
[2002] Dieck Assad, G. "Biomedical Engineering and Use of Laplacian Electrodes to Map brain evocated biopotentials", Conference given at the Instituto Tecnológico de Aguascalientes for the CIIIEE-2002, November, 2002.
[2002] Dieck Assad, G. "Biomedical Engineering at ITESM and Use of Laplacian Electrodes to Map brain evocated biopotentials", Conference given at the Instituto Tecnológico de Durango for the CIEEA-2002, October, 2002
[2002] Dieck Assad, G. "Space Camp Monterrey 2002", Introduction to modeling and building rocket models for beginners and advanced participants, July, 2002.
[2002] Díaz de León, E., Mayorga R., Dieck Assad, G."A Maple-Matlab Interface: A Case for the Optimization Toolbox" , Presented at the IASTED AI-2002, Innsbruck, Austria and published on the Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Applied Informatics, paper 351-473, Innsbruck, Austria, February 18 to 22, 2002.
[2002] González R., Dieck Assad, G., "A Prototype for an RTD Precision Measurement Based on the Anderson´s Loop" ISA-2002 Congress and exposition on Instrumentation Systems and Automation, Monterrey, México, May, 2002,
[2002] Favela Contreras A., Pando A., Dieck Assad G. "Using a Fuzzy Set-Point Generator to Improve the Dynamic Performance of a Temperature Process" ISA-2002 Congress and exposition on Instrumentation Systems and Automation, Monterrey, México, May, 2002,
[2002] González R., Dieck Assad, G., "Prototipo Para Medición de Precisión Con RTD Basado en el Lazo de Anderson," XXXII Congress on Research and Extention at ITESM, ITESM campus, Monterrey, January 17 to 18, 2002.
[2001] Dieck Assad, G., Teaching 3 hours of module 2: "digital signal processing" for the Digital Telecommunications Diplome, ITESM campus, Monterrey, March 2001.
[2001] Dieck Assad, G., "Simulación de un control supervisorio difuso para una caldera industrial usando Simulink," XXXI Congress on Research and Extention at ITESM, ITESM campus, Monterrey, January 18 to 19, 2001.
[2000] Dieck Assad, G., Data acquisition course using LabVIEW , ITESM campus Monterrey, December 2000.
[2000] Ramírez-Barajas J., Soto R., Dieck-Assad G., "A fuzzy logic based AGC algorithm for a radio communication system," FUZZ-IEEE-2000 Conference, May 7-10, 2000, San Antonio, Texas, U.S.A.
[1999] Favela A., Dieck Assad, G. "Using A Fuzzy Set Point Generator to Improve the Dynamic Performance of the Instrumentation of a Temperature Process," Presented for possible publication on the IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, in 1999.
[1999] Macías M, and Dieck G. , "Redesign Of An Introductory Electronics Class," 1999 FIE, Frontiers in Education Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico, November 10-13, 1999.
[1999] Favela A., Dieck Assad, G. "A Fuzzy Set Point State Feedback Controller for A Temperature Process," 1999 NAFIPS Conference, New York City, June 1999.
[1999] Dieck G., Aguilar A., Malacón S. and Macías M., "Redesign Of An Undergraduate Analog Integrated Circuit Course," 1999 ASEE Annual Conference "Engineering: Education To Serve The World", Charlotte, North Carolina, June 20-23, 1999.
[1999] Martínez F., Martínez S. O., Dieck-Assad, G., "Surface Laplacian Mapping of Evoked Potentials applied to the human brain; data acquisition and processing systems based on a TMS320C50 DSP", XXIX ITESM Congress of Research, ITESM campus estado de México, México, January 8, 1999.
[1998] Pérez B., Du-Solier W., Dieck-Assad Graciano, "Automation of a Fish Farm Using a Microcontroller," 1998 IEEE CIIIEE 2nd. International Congress on Research in Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Instituto Tecnológico de Aguascalientes, Aguascalientes, México, September 1998.
[1998] Martínez F., Martínez S.O., Aguirre C., Dieck G., "Surface Laplacian Mapping of Brain Evoked Potentials; Data Gathering and Processing using a DSP system and MATLAB®", Presented at the 1998 Signal and Image Processing International Conference, IASTED-IEEE Las Vegas Nevada, October 28-31, 1998.
[1998] Martínez F., Martínez S.O., Aguirre C., Dieck G., "Mapeo Laplaciano Superficial aplicado a los Potenciales Evocados del Cerebro Humano," Presented and Published on the Proceedings of the VII Congreso Interuniversitario de Electrónica Computación y Eléctrica, Instituto Tecnológico de Durango, Mexico, March 30 to April 3, 1998.
[1998] Díaz de León E., Mayorga R., Dieck-Assad G., "A Maple-Matlab Interface: A Case for the Optimization Toolbox," presented at the IASTED International Conference on Informatics and Robotics, in 1998.
[1997] Dieck Assad, G. And Vázquez E., "Control Inteligente de Procesos," seminar given on the SIEEEM 1997, FIME-UANL, November 1977.
[1997] Scheel C. And Dieck Assad, G. "Desarrollo de un programa de capacitación para Ingenieros practicantes de la tecnología electrónica, Presentation given to DELNOSA engineers, September 1997.
[1997] Dieck Assad G. "Procesos de Evaluación y Acreditación de Programas de Ingeniería Electrónica/Eléctrica," seminar given on "2º. Encuentro sobre la enseñanza de la Ingeniería en Comunicaciones y Electrónica", July 1997.
[1996] Guzmán R., Dieck Assad G., Martínez S.O., Anaya R., Ortiz C., "Development of software tools for the electromagnetic fields course", presented at the ITESM XIV Congress of Education Studies, ITESM-Campus Monterrey, August 1996.
[1996] García Garza L., Dieck Assad, G. "Using Neural Networks and Optic sensors for color recognition," Presented at the ITESM 1996 Congress on Research and technological development, ITESM campus Monterrey, Enero de 1996.
[1995] Dieck Assad, G. "Upgrading and Modernization of the Curriculums for the study of Electrical and Elecrtronics Engineering in Mexico; comparative study with universities from the USA, Europe and South America," Presented at the International Workshop on modernization of EE Education organized by ICFES (Instituto Colombiano de Fomento para la Educación Superior), ACOFI (Asociación Colombiana de Facultades de Ingeniería) and the Universidad del Valle, November 1995, Cali, Colombia.
[1995] Anaya R., Guzmán Díaz R., Dieck Assad G., "Use of simbolic computing for teaching electromagnetics engineering," presented and published at the SIEEEM 1995, October 1995, Monterrey, N.L. México.
[1995] Ortiz C., Ruiz J., Dieck Assad G., "Interactive simulator of transmission lines for undergraduate teaching," presented and published at the SIEEEM 1995, October 1995, Monterrey, N.L. México.
[1995] De Anda J.E., Lozano E., Morales D., Lorence L., Dieck Assad G., "Automation and virtual instrumentation of hydroponia greenhouses," presented and published at the SIEEEM 1995, October 1995, Monterrey, N.L. México.
[1995] Valdés O. Dieck Assad, G. "Design of a CCD based image digitizer," IEEE REUNE 1995, 1st. International Conference Organized by the IEEE, Aguascalientes section, Aguascalientes, México, October 1996.
[1995] Favela A., Dieck Assad G., "On A Comparative Study Of A State Space And A Fuzzy Supervisory Controllers", presented and published at the VIII International Symposium of Artificial Intelligence, Monterrey, Mexico, October 1995.
[1995] Guzmán R., Dieck-Assad G. "Comparative study of the deductive and inductive methodologies for teaching electromagnetic fields," presented at the ITESM XIII Congress of Education Studies, ITESM-Campus Monterrey, August 1995.
[1995] Ortiz C., Ruiz de Aquino J., Dieck Assad G., "A computer program for teaching transmission lines," presented at the ITESM XIII Congress of Education Studies, ITESM-Campus Monterrey, August 1995.
[1995] Soto R., Dieck Assad G., Favela A.,y Baez A., "Design of Fuzzy logic controllers for process control", 1995 VITRO Technological Fair, Monterrey, N.L., April 1995.
[1995] Favela A., Vega, A., Dieck Assad, G. "A Fuzzy supervisory control of a temperature process," 1995 ITESM Congress for Research and Technological development, ITESM campus Monterrey, January 1995.
[1994] Malpica-Romero, A., Dieck-Assad, G. "Fuzzy Environmental Control of Surgical Rooms in Hospitals," NAFIPS/NASA Fuzzy Control conference, San Antonio, Texas, December 1994.
[1994] Dieck Assad, G. "IEC opportunity areas," seminar given at the 1994 Electronics Conferences, ITESM campus Monterrey, October, 1994.
[1994] De Anda J. E., Dieck Assad, G. Automation of the temperature on a Greenhouse environment, SIEEEM 1994, UANL-unidad Mederos, Monterrey, N.L., México, October 1994.
[1994] Dieck-Assad, G. "Use of simbolic computing in the electromagnetic fields class," XII Congress on Education Studies at ITESM, ITESM-Campus Monterrey, August 1994.
[1994] Dieck-Assad, G. "Engineering Research and Environmental Awareness in Mexico: A case in point ITESM campus Monterrey," Seminar given to a group of Trinity University Professors, ITESM campus Monterrey, May 20, 1994, Monterrey, N.L. México.
[1993] Malpica A. and Dieck-Assad G., "Fuzzy Logic Control in hospital surgical rooms," SIEEEM 1993, ITESM, campus Monterrey, October 1993.
[1993] López M.A. and Dieck-Assad G., "Modeling Electronics effects using the Mathematica package," SIEEEM 1993, ITESM, campus Monterrey, October 1993.
[1993] Dieck-Assad, G. "The impact of the basic science in engineering education or the engineering science curriculum", XI Congress of studies in education at ITESM, ITESM campus Monterrey, August 6, 1993.
[1993] López, Miguel A., Dieck-Assad, G. and Guzmán R. "Use of the csimbolic computing to support courses in electromagnetic theory," XI Congress of studies in education at ITESM, ITESM campus Monterrey, August 6, 1993.
[1993] Dieck Assad G., "Electric energy generation systems, evolution and new alternatives," Seminar given to the IEEE Power engineering student chapter, ITESM campus Monterrey, March 12, 1993.
[1993] Dieck Assad G. and Soto Rodríguez R., "Adding Electronic Instrumentation to improve the coordinated control in Thermal power units," published in the SIDEC VIII 1993 journal, ITESM campus Monterrey, March 1993.
[1993] Dieck Assad G., "Intelligent control alternatives for Electric power generation in México". Published in Transferencia, journal of research and development at ITESM, ITESM campus Monterrey, January 1993.
[1993] Soto Rodríguez R. And Dieck Assad G., "Analizing the substitution of the data acquisition system at Rio Escondidi Coal firing power plants," presented at the 1993 ITESM Congress of research and development, ITESM campus Monterrey, January 1993.
[1992] Ramos T., Romero M.A. and Dieck Assad G., presentation: "1992 ABET self-study of the engineering programs at ITESM campus Monterrey ", presented at the Engineering Program Evaluator Workshop organized by ABET, NSF and Dupont in San Antonio, Texas, October 28, 1992.
[1992] Dieck Assad, G. Controllability and Optimization of Main Steam Temperature in Boilers with Burner Tilting," presented at the IEEE Mexicon 1992, Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico, October 19, 1992.
[1992] Dieck-Assad, G., Acevedo S., and Molina L., "ABET Self-study of the Electronics and Communications program at ITESM Campus Monterrey," presented at the X ITESM congress on studies in education, ITESM Campus Monterrey, August 1992.
[1992] Dieck-Assad, G. and Martínez S. O., "Use of intensive problemas as an motivational alternative for students in engineering theoretical courses," presented at the X ITESM congress on studies in education, ITESM Campus Monterrey, August 1992.
[1992] Dieck-Assad, G. "The engineering science professional, and the impact of the basic science in the engineering education," Seminar presented to engineering students at the Universidad Mexicana del Noreste, Monterrey, N.L. May 1992.
[1991] Dieck-Assad, G. "Using Active Filters For Speech Recognition," Presented at the SIEEEM 1991, International IEEE symposium sponsored by the professional branch of the IEEE in Monterrey, México, October 1991.
[1991] Dieck-Assad, G. "Controllability Of Process Variables in Thermal Power Units," Presented at the V international symposium of Mechanical engineering, ITESM, Monterrey, México, October 1991.
[1990] Dieck-Assad, G. "Development Of A State Space Boiler Model For Process Optimization," SIMULATION, Vol. 55, Number 4, pages 201-213, October 1990.
[1989] Ambrose J., Schuette G., Gay R., Primelles R., Larsen N., Dieck-Assad, G., "An Intermediate Vision System For The Puma 560 Robot," presented and published at the 1989 summer simulation conference (SCSC-1989) Austin, Tx. July 24 to 27, 1989.
[1989] Banner, B., Dieck-Assad, G., LaRusch, M., "Artificial Intelligence-Based Robot Vision System Control," EUREKA 1989 conference on undergraduate research, Trinity University, April 1989.
[1989] Sharp, M., Trafton, G., Dieck-Assad, G., "Modeling Human Vision In A Robot Vision System," EUREKA 1989 conference on undergraduate research, Trinity University, April 1989.
[1988] Dieck-Assad, G. "Using Speech Recognition And Synthesis In Software Development For Deaf Children Education," Seminar given to the IEEE student section at Trinity University, March 1988.
[1988] Brooks T., Magnuson K., Luke J., Willey T., Ramirez O., Dieck-Assad G., Doderer E. "An Elementary Vision System For A Robot," published at the southwest regional conference supported by the society for computer simulation, Forth Worth, Texas, October 1988.
[1988] Dieck-Assad, G., Masada, G. Y., Flake, R. H. "Simulation of a 235 MW Fossil Fueled Boiler-Turbine System For Process Optimization," Publicada en Simulators V, Simulation Series Volumen 19, Numero 4, The society for computer simulation, San Diego, California, 1988
[1988] Dieck-Assad, G., Masada, G. Y., Flake, R.H. "Simulation of a 235 MW Fossil Fueled Boiler-Turbine System For Process Optimization," Presented at the Eastern simulation conference, sponsored by the society for computer simulation(SCS) Orlando, Florida, April 1988.
[1988] Dieck-Assad, G. "Improvement Of The Electrical Engineering Laboratory Sequence To Support Design Projects In Robotics," presented and published at the ASEE Southwest-Gulf regional conference (1988), San Antonio, March 1988.
[1987] Dieck-Assad G., Masada, G. Y., Flake, R.H. "Optimal Set-Point Scheduling In A Boiler-Turbine System," published on the IEEE Transactions On Energy Conversion Vol. EC-2, Number 3, pages 388 to 395, September 1987.
[1987] Dieck-Assad G., "Microcomputer Software Development For Deaf Children Education," Summer 1987 research report, Trinity University, Engineering science department, August 1987.
[1987] Dieck, A. J., Yaralan, S., Strickler, W.K., Dieck-Assad, G. "An Approach To Improve Accuracy In The Series Forecasting When Outlying Observations Exist: A Case Study For Total Energy Demand," presented and published at the 1987 world productivity forum, Washington D.C., May 17 to 20, 1987.
[1986] Dieck-Assad, G., Philbin P., Ahlburn, A., Hernandez, J., Walzel, P., Harris C., "Development of software for speech recognition to aid in deaf children education," presented and published at the SIEEEM-1986, International conference, Monterrey, México, September 1986.
[1986] Dieck-Assad, G. Masada, G. Y., Flake, R.H., "Optimal Set-Point Scheduling In A Boiler Turbine System," presented at the IEEE power systems summer meeting, July 1986, Mexico City.
[1986] Dieck-Assad, G. "The Design Of An 's' Detector System For Teaching Deaf Children," Summer research report (1986), Trinity University, Department of engineering science, August 1986.
[1985] Dieck-Assad, G., Dieck, A. J., "Process Optimization Using Control Vector Parameterization," presented and published at the IEEE Mexicon 1985, Monterrey, México, October 1985.
[1985] Dieck, A. J., Strickler, W. K., Dieck-Assad, G., "Replacement Of Outliers In Energy Usage Forecasting Using Time Series Analysis," presented and published at the IEEE Mexicon 1985, Monterrey México, October 1985.
[1984] Dieck-Assad, G., Dieck, A. J. "Testing A Non-Linear Programming Optimization Technique For Process Optimization Using Control Vector Parameterization," presented and published at the ORSA annual meeting, Dallas, Texas, November 1984.
[1983] Dieck-Assad, G., Masada, G. Y., Hopkins, D., "Estimating the Burner Tilt Angles In The Boiler Furnace Using Heat Transfer Equations," presented and published at the IEEE Mexicon 1983, Cuernavaca, México, November 1983.
[1983] Dieck-Assad, G., Masada, G. Y., Flake, R.H. "A Computer Simulation Methodology For A Boiler Turbine System," presented and published at the 1983 summer simulation conference (SCSC-1983), Vancouver, Canada July 1983.
[1983] Dieck-Assad, G. "Boiler-Turbine Validation and Preliminary Optimization," seminar presented at the Southwestern Public Service Company of Amarillo, Austin Texas, January 1983.
[1979] Dieck-Assad, G., Parik, H. "Microcomputer Based Display System," presented and published at the SIEEEM-1979, Monterrey, México, September 1979.

Books & Chapters

[2009] García A, Díaz A. Martínez S. O., Dieck-Assad G., MEMS, Microelectromechanical Systems, Chapter 9 of: "Today´s Megatendencies,", FEMSA-ITESM, 2009, ISBN 978-607-7517-26-9.
[2000] Dieck-Assad G., Instrumentación, Acondicionamiento Electrónico y Adquisición de Datos, Editorial Trillas, 1st. Edition, Mexico January 2000, ISBN 968-24-6064-6.
[1988] Dieck-Assad G., Masada G.Y., Flake F.H., Simulation of a 235 MW Fósil Fueled Boiler-Turbine System for Process Optimization, Book Chapter: Simulators V, Simulation Seires de SCS, Vol. 19, No. 4, San Diego California, October 1988. ISBN 0-911801-34-0.

Graciano Dieck Assad © 2016-2025